Horoscopes & Astrology

The Horoscopes & Astrology Channel helps to explain the wisdom of the zodiac and why many have relied upon astrological traits to aid their decision-making.

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Scorpios born November 20, symbolized by the Scorpion, are truthful, loyal, and complex. Learn more about November 20 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

Scorpios born November 21, symbolized by the Scorpion, are humorous, practical, and able. Learn more about November 21 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Capricorn born on January 10 is symbolized by the Goat and has a forthright approach to life. Learn more about January 10 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips


A Capricorn born on January 11 is symbolized by the Goat and possesses great personal dignity. Learn more about January 11 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Capricorn born on January 12 is symbolized by the Goat and has intellectual sophistication. Learn more about January 12 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Capricorn born on January 13 is symbolized by the Goat and is ready to meet life's challenges. Learn more about January 13 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Capricorn born on January 14 is symbolized by the Goat and can juggle a variety of responsibilities. Learn more about January 14 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips


A Capricorn born on January 15 is symbolized by the Goat and gravitates toward good feelings. Read more about January 15 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Capricorn born on January 16 is symbolized by the Goat and has psychic ability and loves people. Learn more about January 16 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Capricorn born January 17 is symbolized by the Goat and has incredible physical and emotional endurance. Learn about January 17 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Capricorn born on January 18 is symbolized by the Goat and constantly craves new experiences. Learn more about January 18 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips


Capricorns born on January 19 are symbolized by the Goat and can present themselves in many guises. Learn more about January 19 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Cancer born July 3 is symbolized by the Crab and has a mystical nature and exceptionally good taste. These individuals guard their private life closely. Learn about July 3 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Cancer born July 5 is symbolized by the Crab and is intelligent and enjoys the art of conversation. A July 5 native may claim to have never been sick. Learn about July 5 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Cancer born July 6 is symbolized by the Crab and has a down-to-earth and artistic nature. A July 6 native is also intensely loyal. Learn about July 6 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips


A Cancer born July 7 is symbolized by the Crab and embraces self-improvement. July 7 natives often suffer from imaginary ailments. Learn about July 7 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

An Aquarius born January 27 is symbolized by the Water Bearer and has an excitable, magnetic personality. Learn about January 27 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

An Aquarius born on January 28 is symbolized by the Water Bearer and sees the analytical side of things. Learn about January 28 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

An Aquarius born on January 29 is symbolized by the Water Bearer and has a powerful sense of mission. Learn about January 29 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips


An Aquarius born on January 30 is symbolized by the Water Bearer and has an accessible, friendly nature. Learn about January 30 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Sagittarius born November 24 is symbolized by the Archer and projects an aura of youth and charm. Learn about November 24 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Sagittarius born November 25 is symbolized by the Archer and has the soul of a visionary. Learn about November 25 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Sagittarius born November 26 is symbolized by the Archer and has a goal-oriented and practical nature. Learn about November 26 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips


A Sagittarius born November 22 is symbolized by the Archer and has a fun-loving but serious nature. Learn about November 22 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Sagittarius born November 23 is symbolized by the Archer and has a strong moral conscience. Learn about November 23 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips