Horoscopes & Astrology
The Horoscopes & Astrology Channel helps to explain the wisdom of the zodiac and why many have relied upon astrological traits to aid their decision-making.
The Celestial Dance of Libra and Taurus: Exploring the Intriguing Dynamics of This Venus-Ruled
Pisces Season Astrology: Your Guide to Emotional Release and Transformation
Navigating the Celestial Dance: Exploring the Taurus-Leo Relationship Dynamics
January 31 Birthday Astrology
Aquarius Compatibility in Love, Friendship and Work
Pisces Compatibility in Love, Work and Friendship
Aries Compatibility in Love, Work and Friendship
April 1 Birthday Astrology
April 10 Birthday Astrology
Taurus Compatibility in Love, Work and Friendship
May 19 Birthday Astrology
May 20 Birthday Astrology
Gemini Compatibility in Love, Work and Friendship
June 29 Birthday Astrology
June 30 Birthday Astrology
Cancer Compatibility in Love, Work and Friendship
July 14 Birthday Astrology
July 4 Birthday Astrology
August 29 Birthday Astrology
August 3 Birthday Astrology
August 30 Birthday Astrology
September 18 Birthday Astrology
September 19 Birthday Astrology
September 20 Birthday Astrology
October 1 Birthday Astrology
October 2 Birthday Astrology
October 23 Birthday Astrology
November 29 Birthday Astrology
November 30 Birthday Astrology
November 27 Birthday Astrology
Capricorn Compatibility in Love, Friendship and Work
Sagittarius Compatibility in Love, Friendship and Work
December 28 Birthday Astrology
Learn More / Page 15
An Aries born April 4 is symbolized by the Ram and is worldly and spiritual in equal measure. They inspire through example yet never seek to force others into their way of thinking or behaving. Learn about April 4 birthday astrology.
A Gemini born June 8 is symbolized by the Twins and has considerable emotional stamina. This strength makes them hard workers who put their whole heart and soul into everything they do. Learn more about June 8 birthday astrology.
An Aries born April 5 is symbolized by the Ram and is a natural aristocrat who risks being self-centered. They possess a sense of destiny and may often find themselves involved in unusual circumstances. Learn about April 5 birthday astrology.
A Gemini born June 9 is symbolized by the Twins and is often the life of the party. Although they do have a serious side, these individuals are usually upbeat and fun-loving. Learn more about June 9 birthday astrology.
A Gemini born June 10 is symbolized by the Twins and rides an endless roller coaster of highs and lows. Part of this is because they want to live up to the expectations of others. Learn more about June 10 birthday astrology.
A Gemini born June 11 is symbolized by the Twins and possesses superb leadership qualities. They can do great work in the world, and usually have great ambitions as well. Learn more about June 11 birthday astrology.
An Aries born April 6 is symbolized by the Ram and possesses creativity and imagination of the highest level. They have the ability to convince others of their opinions and aims, yet their manner is subtle. Learn about April 6 birthday astrology.
An Aries born April 7 is symbolized by the Ram and is a fascinating combination of dreamer and doer. hey are essentially without ego and have the ability to understand the feelings of others. Learn about April 7 birthday astrology.
An Aries born April 8 is symbolized by the Ram and is pleasant, yet determined to learn from mistakes. They don't see themselves as catalysts for change but will endeavor to right a wrong. Learn about April 8 birthday astrology.
A Gemini born June 12 is symbolized by the Twins and is an incredibly optimistic big thinker. This optimism makes these individuals great self-starters who always seem to have a plan. Learn more about June 12 birthday astrology.
An Aries born April 9 is symbolized by the Ram and is feisty and opinionated. More pragmatic than idealistic, these people enjoy the act of striving almost as much as the victories their efforts bring. Learn about April 9 birthday astrology.
An Aries born April 10 is symbolized by the Ram and is ambitious, with their own way of doing things. They have the capacity to see the world around them realistically without being disillusioned. Learn about April 10 birthday astrology.
A Gemini born June 13 is symbolized by the Twins and prefers living life on the edge. These individuals also have a kinetic kind of charm that easily draws others to them. Learn more about June 13 birthday astrology.
An Aries born April 11 is good-hearted and daring. They display the care and compassion that is often missing from human endeavors and thus have the potential to do a great deal of good in the world. Learn about April 11 birthday astrology.
An Aries born April 12 is armed with intelligence, curiosity and drive. Students of the human condition, they are keen observers who can easily spot deception in a colleague or associate. Learn about April 12 birthday astrology.
An Aries born April 13 is symbolized by the Ram and is humble, yet possesses a spark of genius. These are not showy individuals, but people who prefer existence in a humble, even obscure, setting. Learn about April 13 birthday astrology.
An Aries born April 14 is symbolized by the Ram and desires to forge a oneness between mind and spirit. They are highly evolved, emphatically intelligent people who are never afraid to question, to search, to dream.
A Gemini born June 14 is symbolized by the Twins and has a winning personality. Though they aren't shy about expressing their opinions, these individuals don't insist that people agree with them. Learn more about June 14 birthday astrology.
An Aries born April 15 is naturally gifted and intuitive. But keeping a balance between the need to be forceful and assertive, while making their world more beautiful and harmonious, can be a tall order. Learn about April 15 birthday astrology.
A Gemini born June 15 is symbolized by the Twins and is a well-mannered, quiet individual. However, they do know how to get their way. Learn more about June 15 birthday astrology.
A Gemini born June 16 is symbolized by the Twins and has the ability to rise to any social occasion. They care a good deal about the needs of others and make devoted friends. Learn more about June 16 birthday astrology.
An Aries born April 16 is symbolized by the Ram and often chooses companions who have qualities they lack. They are never content to keep their life-view to themselves but must share it. Learn about April 16 birthday astrology.
An Aries born April 17 has an innate understanding of the world around them. They are always ready for an opportunity that comes their way and are equally adept at recognizing opportunities for others. Learn about April 17 birthday astrology.
An Aries born April 18 is symbolized by the Ram and is opinionated and aggressive. They favor involvement on all levels and are not the type to sit idly as long as there are victories to be won. Learn about April 18 birthday astrology.
An Aries born April 19 is symbolized by the Ram and holds a deep sense of their own spiritual significance. They have marked psychic ability and it serves as a method for them to make a majority of their decisions. Learn about April 19 birthday astrology.