June Birthdays
School's out and summer is here! If you were born in June, take a look at what your birthday says about you.
What Makes Scorpio and Aquarius Compatibility Unique?
Moon in Capricorn: Key Traits, Strengths, and Challenges
Leo Moon Meaning: Traits, Emotions, and How It Shapes Your Personality
January 31 Birthday Astrology
Aquarius Compatibility in Love, Friendship and Work
Pisces Compatibility in Love, Work and Friendship
Aries Compatibility in Love, Work and Friendship
April 1 Birthday Astrology
April 10 Birthday Astrology
Taurus Compatibility in Love, Work and Friendship
May 19 Birthday Astrology
May 20 Birthday Astrology
Cancer Compatibility in Love, Work and Friendship
July 14 Birthday Astrology
July 4 Birthday Astrology
August 29 Birthday Astrology
August 3 Birthday Astrology
August 30 Birthday Astrology
September 18 Birthday Astrology
September 19 Birthday Astrology
September 20 Birthday Astrology
October 1 Birthday Astrology
October 2 Birthday Astrology
October 23 Birthday Astrology
November 29 Birthday Astrology
November 30 Birthday Astrology
November 27 Birthday Astrology
Capricorn Compatibility in Love, Friendship and Work
Sagittarius Compatibility in Love, Friendship and Work
December 28 Birthday Astrology
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If you're a Gemini, which signs will you connect with best in love, friendship and work? We talk with two astrologers to learn about Gemini compatibility.
A Cancer born June 29 is symbolized by the Crab and has a sensitive but strong nature. Learn about June 29 birthday astrology.
A Cancer born on June 30 is symbolized by the Crab and has a sensible yet fun-loving nature. Learn about June 30 birthday astrology.
A Cancer born on June 21 is symbolized by the Crab and is a fair person with a happy disposition. Learn about June 21 birthday astrology.
A Cancer born June 22 is symbolized by the Crab and has a shy and sensitive nature. Learn about June 22 birthday astrology.
A Cancer born June 23 is symbolized by the Crab and has a generous and eccentric nature. Learn about June 23 birthday astrology.
A Cancer born June 24 is symbolized by the Crab and is charming and artistic. Learn about June 24 birthday astrology.
A Cancer born June 25 is symbolized by the Crab and is charming and sensitive. Learn about June 25 birthday astrology.
A Cancer born June 26 is symbolized by the Crab and has a creative mind. Learn about June 26 birthday astrology.
A Cancer born June 27 is symbolized by the Crab and has a strong personality and dynamic charm. Learn about June 27 birthday astrology.
A Cancer born June 28 is symbolized by the Crab and can find humor in almost any situation. Learn about June 28 birthday astrology.
A Gemini born June 17 is symbolized by the Twins and is ambitious, but often afraid to take risks. They sometimes find relationships difficult because they can be very dedicated to their own versions of things. Learn more about June 17 birthday astrology.
A Gemini born June 18 is symbolized by the Twins and is a practical, sensible individual. They also possess great leadership skills that appear early in childhood. Learn more about June 18 birthday astrology.
A Gemini born June 19 is symbolized by the Twins and has an exuberant, creative personality. They often crave the spotlight, but are goal-oriented enough to prove themselves worthy of it. Learn more about June 19 birthday astrology.
A Gemini born June 20 is symbolized by the Twins and has a great deal of personal charm. They can be very emotional, but are often more in control than others realize. Learn more about June 20 birthday astrology.
A Gemini born June 6 is symbolized by the Twins and has unbounded curiosity. These individuals are creative and spiritual, although not so good with finances. Learn more about June 6 birthday astrology.
A Gemini born June 7 is symbolized by the Twins and has a curious and vibrant personality. Others are naturally drawn to them, but they are very careful to choose honest friends. Learn more about June 7 birthday astrology.
A Gemini born June 8 is symbolized by the Twins and has considerable emotional stamina. This strength makes them hard workers who put their whole heart and soul into everything they do. Learn more about June 8 birthday astrology.
A Gemini born June 9 is symbolized by the Twins and is often the life of the party. Although they do have a serious side, these individuals are usually upbeat and fun-loving. Learn more about June 9 birthday astrology.
A Gemini born June 10 is symbolized by the Twins and rides an endless roller coaster of highs and lows. Part of this is because they want to live up to the expectations of others. Learn more about June 10 birthday astrology.
A Gemini born June 11 is symbolized by the Twins and possesses superb leadership qualities. They can do great work in the world, and usually have great ambitions as well. Learn more about June 11 birthday astrology.
A Gemini born June 12 is symbolized by the Twins and is an incredibly optimistic big thinker. This optimism makes these individuals great self-starters who always seem to have a plan. Learn more about June 12 birthday astrology.
A Gemini born June 13 is symbolized by the Twins and prefers living life on the edge. These individuals also have a kinetic kind of charm that easily draws others to them. Learn more about June 13 birthday astrology.
A Gemini born June 14 is symbolized by the Twins and has a winning personality. Though they aren't shy about expressing their opinions, these individuals don't insist that people agree with them. Learn more about June 14 birthday astrology.
A Gemini born June 15 is symbolized by the Twins and is a well-mannered, quiet individual. However, they do know how to get their way. Learn more about June 15 birthday astrology.