Brain Games
Brain games can be lots of fun. Some of the most popular games today are actually brain games. In this section we'll explore some of the world's most popular brain games.
You're Definitely a Kid of the '90s if You Played POGs
How to Make an Outdoor Chessboard
How to Build a Backyard Horseshoe Pit
Sticks, Stones and Knucklebones: The History of Dice
How to Play Jenga Like You've Never Played It Before
10 Family-friendly Card Games
Big Money, Big Money: Flashing Lights, Music Can Turn Rats Into Problem Gamblers
How Casinos Work
How Sports Betting Works
What Is the Rarest Pokémon Card? And Is It Worth $5.2 Million?
How to Play UNO: Official Rules Guaranteed to Surprise You
10 of the Most Expensive Pokémon Cards Ever Sold
How to Play Craps
How to Play Blackjack
How to Play Roulette
Birthstone Meanings: The Hidden Symbolism Behind Each Month’s Gem
Is Venus the Ruling Planet of Libra? Astrological Insights
The Most Resilient Zodiac Sign: Who Handles Challenges the Best?
Why Are Today's Lottery Jackpots So Ginormous?
Are people who win the lottery really any happier?
10 Most Spectacular Lottery Burnouts
48 Words That Start With 'X' for Wordle and Scrabble Players
147 Words That Start With 'E' for Wordle and Scrabble Players
Where in the World Are You? Take our GeoGuesser Quiz
8 Tips for Solving That Crazy Hard Jigsaw Puzzle
5 Tips for Solving The New York Times Crossword Puzzle
What Are the World's Biggest and Baddest Jigsaw Puzzles?
Learn More
Riddles for kids are more than just a fun way to pass the time; they're a great tool for building critical thinking skills. By solving riddles and word puzzles, children learn to think creatively, explore words with multiple meanings and approach problems from different angles.
By Karina Ryan
Rummikub is a game based on the card game rummy, but it's played with tiles not cards. How do you play? We'll tell you how and what the Rummikub rules are.
The object of the Monopoly board game is to win a monopoly and become the wealthiest player. But the rules are complicated. Here's how to play and win.
Before Wordle and Words With Friends there was Scrabble. And if you've ever played Scrabble, you know the way to win is to play words no one uses in everyday speech. How much do you know about these serious Scrabble words?
By Alia Hoyt
Think you know geography? Fancy yourself a history buff? Well then, mister or missus big shot, get comfy and let's test your knowledge of weird castles, crazy large numbers and embargoed snack foods.
By Mark Mancini
The rooms in the Tudor-style mansion on the CLUE game board haven't changed in 70 years. Until now.
Do you like the strategy of a game like chess, but long for something more flashy? Like, say, lasers? The board game known as Khet might be just what you're looking for.
In our digital age, it's easy to forget how much fun low-tech games can be. Remember pen and paper games? We've got five that'll keep everyone - big and small - busy for hours.
With its Celtic-inspired cards and quirky name, this "short word game" is a crowd-pleaser with kids and adults alike. Care to play a hand? Don't quiddle, then, and check out this article.
Endlessly mispronounced but universally beloved, this game is a mix of rummy and older, tile-based games like mahjong and dominoes. Think you can be the first to yell out "Rummikub"?
Some of your board games may be antiques, but are any from circa 3500 B.C.? Senet, a game played by the pharaohs, still has plenty to offer today.
If Magic: The Gathering and Settlers of Catan merged, you'd get Dominion. And if you have no idea what that means, you may still have fun playing it.
Maybe you've heard whispers of dragons, Dungeon Masters and 20-sided dice, but how much do you really know about the world's most famous role-playing game? Get in character, because we're going on a quest to learn the ABCs of D&D.
Even if you never learn to pronounce the name of this game properly, you and your buddies will still have fun playing this clever strategy game. And you might even learn something (we promise, it won't be painful).
Pentago, a connect-five game with a literal twist, has charmed and challenged players young and old. But where do boredom and skateboarders fit in?
Set in the years before World War I, Diplomacy allows players to represent countries with armies they can move in an effort to control Europe. The rules are complex, but strategy often comes down to a simple question: Will you make allies or enemies?
By Chris Warren
Like chess but sneakier, Stratego is a gambit of wits and strategy. So how do you play -- and what does 19th century France have to do with it?
It's a printing press block, an electronic font and a less-than-flattering nickname -- so how did Dingbats come to be a series of word games, too?
This conspiracy-minded, convoluted game will tap into your appetite for world domination and your penchant for paranoia. Strap on your tinfoil hat and come play a round with us.
Sequence is half board game, half card game -- half strategy, half luck. So what rules, history and restraining orders make the game work as a whole?
How did clever marketing turn Battleship -- a WWI pen-and-paper pastime -- into the moneymaking empire, complete with movie tie-in, that it is today?
Whether you're a Creative Cat or a Word Worm, this brainy board game claims to offer something for everyone. Is it true? Work that brain and find out.
It certainly takes a lot of concentration to juggle -- but can you actually improve your brain activity by tossing a few pins in the air?
By Jeff Harder
Scrabble aficionados may memorize long lists of unusual words to win. But casual players can improve their games by learning just a handful of useful entries. Which words should you keep in your Scrabble arsenal?
By John Kelly
To gaming aficionados, Carcassonne isn't just an uber-fortified French town; it's an addictive medieval strategy game populated by adorable little figures. What's a meeple?