Traditional Games
You don't need a lot of fancy technology to have some fun as a family. A few traditional games can make time fly.
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Whether bone or stone, plastic or fuzz, dice have been rolled by people looking for a little luck in civilizations throughout recorded history.
We guarantee you'll never look at the game the same way again.
Sitting around in front of the television is an American pastime, but it's not the best vehicle for connecting with your kids. Family events and activities are where the real memories are made, and you don't need much more than a deck of cards.
Between sports practices, computers and televisions, old-fashioned family time doesn't always happen every day. Here are some great ideas to get the family off the couch and spending time with each other.
Nationwide total annual lottery sales have grown into the billions of dollars. In many states, all it costs to take a chance on changing your life forever is $1. Where else can you buy a dream for a dollar?
By Jo Mason
Since the first bingolike lottery almost 500 years ago, millions of people have discovered the thrill of bingo. No longer is bingo the sleepy community-hall favorite it was just ten years ago.