
Sports are an integral part of our culture and give many of us a reason to cheer and jeer. Learn about the history of sports and how your favorite sports really work.

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How — and why — do martial arts practitioners bust those boards without hurting themselves?

By Oisin Curran

For years, the promotion known as TNA fought to be seen as an alternative to WWE, a haven for wrestling fans who had grown disillusioned with what WWE was providing. And at times, they did manage to succeed, putting on well-received shows, creating new stars, and they even kept the company afloat for over thirteen […] The post 12 Reasons Why TNA Has Failed As A Real Alternative To WWE appeared first on Goliath.

By Stephen Randle

Ranking the longest home runs ever hit is trickier than you might expect. High-tech cameras make measuring a breeze in the modern age, but before 2015? That's a different story.

By Jack Sackman & Nicole Antonio


They'll compete in 10 events over two grueling days in Tokyo. Does that make the gold medalist in the decathlon the best athlete in the world?

By John Donovan

The Olympic flame is supposed to never go out until the games have ended. But hey, accidents happen. So how is the torch relit?

By Jesslyn Shields

Whether you like him or not, “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels is one of the best performers in wrestling history. In his youth, he was a brash and cocky Superstar who could always back it up in the ring, and in his prime, he was celebrated for being able to get a good match out […] The post The 10 Best Matches Of Shawn Michaels’ Career appeared first on Goliath.

By Stephen Randle

A story about a superhero, a rocket bike and a 40-year mystery that probably won't be solved.

By Julia Layton


After posting a sensational 72-10 record at the end of the 1995/96 NBA season, it was said that no team would ever top the Chicago Bulls’ dominant record. However, 20 years later, Steve Kerr (who played on that Chicago squad) guided his Golden State Warriors team to an incredible 73-9 record with some breathtaking basketball. […] The post 10 Sports Records That Will Never Be Broken appeared first on Goliath.

By Jonny Hughes

On June 5, people will chase an 8-pound cheese down an absurdly steep hill in England. And it looks really fun.

By Julia Layton

We love wrestling entrance themes. They help establish characters, set the tone for upcoming matches, and most of all, they’re often really catchy and fun to listen to. Plus, because wrestling is such a high energy atmosphere, they’re great for getting yourself pumped up, whether it’s for some athletic endeavor or just trying to get […] The post 31 Best Entrance Themes In Wrestling History appeared first on Goliath.

By Stephen Randle

Martial arts are so popular, they spawned an entire movie sub-genre starring some of the most respected martial artists of all time. Regarding this list, it’s a mish-mash. We have several martial artists turned actors, some of whom have passed away but will always be remembered as legends, and some actors who you might not […] The post 11 Actors Who Are Trained Martial Artists appeared first on Goliath.

By James Sheldon


Humans have a highly competitive nature. It’s just in our blood. Every year weirder and wilder sports are invented and new events get added to the Olympic games. But since there are so many people involved in the more common sports and games, competing in them at the highest level is extremely tough, making it […] The post 12 Of The World’s Craziest Competitions That People Actually Sign Up For appeared first on Goliath.

By Wes Walcott

We recently took a look at some of the most unsportsmanlike moments in sports history, so to restore some faith in the sporting world and humanity, today we are looking at the most sportsmanlike moments ever seen. Whilst these may not be as shocking and, at times, funny as unsportsmanlike moments, it can be fantastic […] The post 10 Amazing Examples Of Great Sportsmanship appeared first on Goliath.

By Jonny Hughes

Study shows former college athletes report greater levels of well-being than nonathletes, except financially.

By Dave Roos

There is money in pro wrestling. Thanks to WWE becoming a world-spanning, multi-million dollar giant, there are more opportunities than ever to actually make some money in the business of wrestling. Of course, you’ll have to become a huge star, wrestle for a long time, save your money, or marry into the McMahon family, but […] The post 30 Richest Characters in Wrestling appeared first on Goliath.

By Stephen Randle


The impact of a high draft pick on a sports franchise is undeniable. Choose wisely, and you're on the championship track. Make the wrong choice, and your franchise can suffer for years, dealing with the repercussions of an unproductive player.

By Jim Halden

Some blame it on the spectators themselves, others on the railing heights.

By Alison Cooper

All wrestling moves are inherently dangerous. There’s a reason why WWE tells you not to try this at home, after all. But some moves are so dangerous, especially in an era where concussion research and concerns about athlete health are becoming more and more important on a regular basis, that they have actually been banned […] The post 10 Wrestling Moves Banned By WWE appeared first on Goliath.

By Stephen Randle

Fantasy football is believed to a billion dollar, recession proof industry. Each year, millions of people from all over the world join fantasy football leagues with the hopes of finding a hobby, keeping in touch with friends, or finding an excuse to do absolutely nothing for 17 Sundays a year. Today, we’ll look at five […] The post 5 Ways To Not Suck At Fantasy Football appeared first on Goliath.

By Devon Taylor (@DevonTaylor113)


You can have the greatest technical wrestling match in history, but if nobody cares, then was it truly great? Traditionally, the best matches have benefited from great promos, as the involved wrestlers used their words to set up a match in which they would then use more physical means. It used to be a big […] The post The 10 Greatest Wrestling Promos Of All-Time appeared first on Goliath.

By Stephen Randle

Sport is an enormous part of human culture, and for centuries people have invented new sports as pastimes. Football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey and tennis are a few of the more mainstream sports, but there are hundreds of different ones that are played all around the world. Many of these are old, traditional sports, whilst […] The post The 10 Strangest Sports In The World appeared first on Goliath.

By Jonny Hughes

With fame and fortune, athletes will often find themselves surrounded by women. Most of the time, athletes live a life that is centered around their sport, but many athletes also find the time to make the most of their celebrity status. Throughout sports, there are some athletes that have had a shocking amount of children […] The post The Athletes With The Most Children appeared first on Goliath.

By Jonny Hughes

Miniature golf is a classic family outing and beach vacation tradition. It's almost like a cartoon version of regular golf. Who would come up with such an idea?

By Debra Ronca


Soccer is a low scoring game, which means that when a goal is scored it is time to celebrate. This includes the goalscorer, and the adrenaline and excitement often causes hilarious, bizarre and eccentric celebrations. Sometimes their celebration will be pre-planned and well choreographed, many players see it as the perfect excuse to show some […] The post The 12 Best Soccer Goal Celebrations of All Time appeared first on Goliath.

By Jonny Hughes

OK, fine. Referees and umpires are human beings who make human mistakes. But why do they always have to make their human mistakes against our team? Here are 10 bad sports calls we're still debating.

By Dave Roos