
Sports are an integral part of our culture and give many of us a reason to cheer and jeer. Learn about the history of sports and how your favorite sports really work.

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Free diving is a breathtaking sport, literally and figuratively, requiring athletes dive to astonishing depths (recorded primarily in meters) on a single breath of air. Instead of using scuba gear, these free divers rely mainly on their own lungs to explore the depths of the ocean.

By Marie Look

Owen Hart, a member of the legendary Hart wrestling family, was known for his exceptional in-ring skills, charismatic personality and high-flying style in professional wrestling. Competing primarily in the WWF (now WWE), he won multiple championships and was celebrated for his technical prowess and entertaining matches.

By Desiree Bowie

In the time it takes you to cook a five-minute meal in the microwave, elite-level runners have finished their 1-mile run — with time to spare. More impressively, some of these athletes continue to show that we have yet to reach the limit for physical achievements by shaving fractions off the fastest mile time.

By Nicole Antonio & Yara Simón


The title for highest paid WNBA player in the 2024 season is actually a tie between three women on three different WNBA teams.

By Marie Look

Aroldis Chapman holds the most records for the fastest pitch ever recorded, but adjusting old records for current standards adds a couple older contenders.

By Zach Taras

Nearly a dozen kickers have hit the 3rd and 4th farthest distances, but only one player has kicked the longest field goal in NFL history.

By Yara Simón

The history of roller skating is a winding road that started with John Joseph Merlin in the 18th century and evolved into multiple sports we still play today.

By Patty Rasmussen


Have you ever wondered what it's like to play professional football? We have, so we called up players Takeo Spikes, Carlos Emmons, Jonas Jennings, Fred Beasley and Willie Anderson to find out.

Running through the extreme heat, elevation, snow or incredibly rough terrain in an ultramarathon is a challenge designed to defeat all but the most determined and prepared.

By Melanie Radzicki McManus

Many of the latest-generation sports stadiums are high-tech, sophisticated and spectacular. But that all comes at astronomical cost that can balloon into the billions.

By Patrick J. Kiger

The hosel is a little piece of metal that plays a big part in both golf club construction and in the club's performance.

By Patty Rasmussen


This Georgia baseball team has become a viral phenomenon. How? By changing the rules and making the game fast, fun and wildly entertaining.

By Patty Rasmussen

In a game against the Texas Rangers Oct. 4, Aaron Judge hit his 62nd home run in the 2022 MLB season, setting a new American League home run record.

By Patty Rasmussen

They look like giant marshmallows and are disliked by many NFL players, but may be just what the doctor ordered to protect them against concussions and other head injuries.

By Patty Rasmussen

Sorry to disappoint, but they won't be C-3PO's in dark slacks and chest protectors behind home plate. But 'robots' could be the future of calling balls and strikes.

By Patty Rasmussen


First of all, who is Stanley? Also, why is this trophy so dang big?

By Patty Rasmussen

There's strong and then there's super-human. Who is the strongest man on Earth and how did he get that title?

By Dave Roos

Millions of us bowl every year. It's socially fun, and you can drink beer and eat while you play. But how much do you really know about the sport?

By Meg Sparwath

At least 100 technical experts from 24 countries will provide professional repair and maintenance to the athletes' prosthetics and orthotics at the Technical Repair Service Center in Tokyo.

By John Donovan


Like the Tokyo Olympics, the Paralympic Games are happening a year late. But these athletes are equally, if not more, impressive to watch on the courts, beaches and in the pool. We'll explain what it takes to make it as a Paralympian.

By John Donovan

It may surprise you that even in 2021 there are a few Olympic sports that are not open to both genders.

By Kathryn Whitbourne

Every two years, pandemic notwithstanding, the world's elite athletes gather to take their shot at the ultimate prize: the Olympic gold medal. How much do you know about this storied event?

By Alia Hoyt

It makes sense, until you look at the data from 8,000 racers.

By David R. Munro


College football generates billions of dollars in revenue annually from ticket sales, media rights and donations. So who has the most to lose if the fall season is canceled?

By John Donovan

Pickleball is a paddle sport attracting thousands of players across the U.S. and around the world. And it's getting bigger every year. What's the appeal?

By Melanie Radzicki McManus