Gemini Personality: May 21 - June 20

The symbol for Gemini, the third sign of the astrological year, is the Twins. Numerology Sign/Flickr (CC By 2.0)

Gemini is the third sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol, the Twins. Gemini individuals are bright, changeable, and inquiring. They have many interests and great social adeptness.

Below you’ll find general characteristics for the Gemini man, woman, child, lover, and friend. At the bottom of this page, you’ll find links to articles with detailed personality profiles for every day that falls under the Gemini sign. Read on to see if the characteristics ring true for you or the Twins in your life.


The Gemini Man

The typical Gemini gentleman has strong intellectual inclinations but isn't the intimidating sort. These men are often dedicated to their career, seeing it almost as a calling rather than simply a way to make a living. Gemini men excel in advertising, media, politics, teaching, or any field where language and communication skills are useful.


The Gemini Woman

Gemini women are glib, self-assured, and sophisticated. Smart, sassy, and sarcastic, these women will always have the last word. Often exceptionally good looking, Gemini women are more interested in showing off their brain power. They are often career-driven, and even when they have children are likely to seek a career outside their domestic circle. They make good mothers, always encouraging their children to get involved in a variety of interests and hobbies.


The Gemini Child

Gemini children are usually bright and may show a talent for logic and language skills. Allowing them to progress at their own speed, emphasizing the joy of learning, is the best method to employ with these children. Gemini youngsters require a great amount of social contact. They mix well with other children and usually have a diverse and interesting group of friends by the time they reach their teens. They are generally upbeat and positive.


The Gemini Lover

Gemini lovers are versatile, witty, and fun-loving individuals that possess so much charm they can be almost impossible to resist. Whether through a clever fax, a romantic letter, or a few endearing words left on an answering machine, the Gemini lover understands the erotic power of language. It takes a unique individual to get a Gemini to settle down. Even when a Gemini does tie the knot, he or she can lose interest quickly if the excitement wears off.


The Gemini Friend

The naturally sociable nature of a Gemini friend is a big plus in drawing people to him or her. They aren't snobbish about friends and don't attempt to choose their companions thoughtlessly. Though these individuals have a love of gossip, they never indulge in it with malice. A sympathetic listener, the Gemini friend likes to use humor to leaven the troubles of others.


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