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A Virgo born September 5, symbolized by the Scales, is intelligent, composed, and dignified. And because they are also attractive, these qualities make them easily stand out in a crowd. Learn about September 5 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Capricorn born January 8 is symbolized by the Goat and strives for a pragmatic approach to life. Learn about January 8 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Virgo born September 6, symbolized by the Scales, has a strong spirit and a gentle nature. These Virgos never hesitate to take chances and are usually very social. They are also beauty lovers. Learn about September 6 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips


A Virgo born September 7, symbolized by the Scales, has a volatile inner energy even though they may seem docile on the surface. They love to be part of the spotlight, even though they are loners at heart. Learn about September 7 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Capricorn born January 9, symbolized by the Goat, is both brilliant and philosophical. Learn more about January 9 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Virgo born September 8, symbolized by the Scales, has a practical view of life and a strong faith. Friendships are very important to these Virgos and they work hard to form close relationships. Learn about September 8 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Virgo born September 9, symbolized by the Scales, has amazing physical stamina and is a perfectionist. A Virgo born on this day usually leads and active lifestyle and they tend to be high achievers. Learn about September 9 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips


A Virgo born September 10, symbolized by the Scales, has personal flair, magnetism, and charisma. They tend to value intangible rewards like learning, friendship, and integrity. Learn more about September 10 birthday astrology in this article.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Virgo born September 11, symbolized by the Scales, needs to believe in a cause or a mission. They can seem to be emotional, but they are actually very centered and have an idea where they're going. Learn about September 11 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Virgo born September 12, symbolized by the Scales, is naturally happy and looks on the bright side. Their friends are very important and they often drawn inspiration from the ones close to them. Learn about September 12 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Virgo born September 13, symbolized by the Scales, is likely to walk on the wild side. These Virgos have a cool and collected attitude and like to surround themselves with interesting people. Learn about September 13 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips


A Virgo born September 14, symbolized by the Scales, is dedicated, professional, and has many talents. They can be demanding, but that is because they always like to make an important contribution. Learn about September 14 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Virgo born September 15, symbolized by the Scales, has a talent for communicating. These Virgos will often use their sparkling personality to put their reputation on the line for a good cause. Learn more about September 15 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Virgo born September 16, symbolized by the Scales, has a deeply spiritual nature. They are often deeply religious. They learn about themselves through others and usually grow spiritually as a result. Learn about September 16 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Virgo born September 17, symbolized by the Scales, is loyal and has real grit. They have lofty goals and high standards, and try to hold other people to those same standards. They take life seriously. Learn about September 17 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips


An Aries born April 20 is symbolized by the Ram and is guided by their emotions and their rich inner life. Although naturally contemplative, they can summon the social clan needed to shine when the occasion arises.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Gemini born June 17 is symbolized by the Twins and is ambitious, but often afraid to take risks. They sometimes find relationships difficult because they can be very dedicated to their own versions of things. Learn more about June 17 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Leo born on July 30 is symbolized by the Lion and is creative in both a spiritual and tangible sense. If this is your birthday, you're likely to possess a singular charm. Learn more about July 30 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Gemini born June 18 is symbolized by the Twins and is a practical, sensible individual. They also possess great leadership skills that appear early in childhood. Learn more about June 18 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips


A Gemini born June 19 is symbolized by the Twins and has an exuberant, creative personality. They often crave the spotlight, but are goal-oriented enough to prove themselves worthy of it. Learn more about June 19 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Leo born July 31, symbolized by the Lion, is creative, friendly, and full of great ideas. Are you a July 31 native, or do you know someone who is? Learn more about July 31 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Gemini born June 20 is symbolized by the Twins and has a great deal of personal charm. They can be very emotional, but are often more in control than others realize. Learn more about June 20 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Leo born August 1, symbolized by the Lion, is a lovable person with a somewhat haughty personality. August 1 natives are known for creating interesting and fulfilling relationships. Learn about August 1 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips


A Leo born August 2, symbolized by the Lion, is an interesting person with an edgy personality. Learn more about August 2 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

A Leo born on August 4 is symbolized by the Lion and has an engaging personality, which is highly attractive. Learn about August 4 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips