Music & Technology
The Music Channel teaches us about the industry, the instruments and the genres. These articles explain why music is such an important fabric of our collective soul.
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The last time you bought a CD did you wonder how much of the sticker price was actually going to the artist who performed? How does a Platinum-selling musician end up broke? Find out what musicians are actually being paid.
Ready to kick out the jams? To make your songs resonate like you know they can, you'll need the right equipment. Instruments and amps are just the beginning -- public venues require special audio equipment to make sure things sound the way they should. Read this before you rock.
We've all heard the stories - artist "x" suing label "y" over some unfair clause in a contract and label "y" suing artist "x" over some contract breach... How complicated can this stuff be? Find out.
If you want to make money as a musician and you're not signed to a record contract yet, you need to be playing clubs. But club gigs are not so easy to come by. Find out how to get started in the club circuit.
Looking to create a demo CD of your work? If you don't have the money to pay for time at a pro recording studio, there are other avenues. Find out what you'll need to cut your own music CD at home.
There aren't too many inventions that have had as much cultural impact as the electric guitar. Its distinctive sound winds its way through most popular music from the past 50 years -- the electric guitar IS rock and roll.
If you pluck a string on an electric guitar that is not plugged in, you'll notice that you can barely hear the sound. Why is that?
Overt religious themes? Canine-human hybrids? Gender-bending marionettes? Yep, David Bowie did it all, and often faced censorship because of it.
By Chris Opfer