TV Shows
From talk shows and game shows to reality TV and modern-day classics, explore interesting facts about TV shows.
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As the story goes with many beloved television series, Arrested Development was cancelled too early. After airing only three seasons on Fox, the show was cancelled due to low ratings and poor performance metrics; however, the show's enduring hilarity ensured a passionate fan base who never let the world forget just how funny this absurd [...] The post The 10 Greatest Episodes Of 'Arrested Development' appeared first on Goliath.
By Jim Halden
It's easy for a television show to make an audience laugh; that's been demonstrated innumerable times, as we've seen some pretty horrible sitcoms maintain long television runs due to their ability to generate cheap laughs (we're looking at you, Two and a Half Men). However, it's far more difficult for a television show (and specifically [...] The post The 10 Greatest Episodes Of Scrubs appeared first on Goliath.
By Jim Halden
Who says science can't be fun? Not the hosts and crews behind these captivating shows. These programs are engaging, funny, entertaining, even silly - and you might actually learn something while you watch!
By Susan Sherwood
Spin-offs can make it big (hello, "Frasier"). Sometimes they don't (we loved you on "Friends," "Joey"). These 10 were huge-sometimes bigger than the original show.
By Susan Sherwood
TV influences the clothes we wear, the music we listen to, the cars we buy-even the way we choose to meet our future spouses. So it's not too much of a stretch to think that TV can change the way we eat.
By Susan Sherwood
Did you know the original "Star Trek" was canceled after just three seasons? In fact, there's no shortage of other popular TV shows that got similar treatment and were nixed by their networks, despite fan loyalty and sometimes super-high ratings.
By Susan Sherwood
Slowly put down the remote control, and back away from the TV. Walter White will still be there when you get back. If this sounds like you, don't worry: 91 percent of people binge-watch their favorite shows. And these are some of the best for it.
By Susan Sherwood
Sure, we all feel like stars singing in the shower or into a hairbrush in the bedroom. But most of us don't feel confident enough in our vocal abilities to pursue our musical dreams. Is that why we live vicariously through singing competitions?
American television networks have adapted British shows left and right. But a number of original British programs - er, make that programmes - have become hits with U.S. audiences, no translation necessary.
By Susan Sherwood
What was once considered obscene and indecent on television is laughable by today's standards. But shows have pushed boundaries as long as there's been TV. Which have given the FCC and network censors the most stress?
By Susan Sherwood
From highbrow content (politics, literature) to more unrefined fare (paternity tests, cheating spouses), talk shows have been on the tube for as long as there has been television.
Whipping up a four-course meal looks so easy when one of those TV chefs does it. But in reality, it takes a small army of chefs, producers and technical wizards to pull off cooking shows.
"Seinfeld" will forever be known as the best "show about nothing." But is it also an homage to Superman?
Yes, it may seem like the reason the characters on "The Simpsons" don't age is because it's a cartoon. But the real reason is because they're stuck in a time loop. Far-fetched? You haven't heard our other wild TV show theories.
By Alia Hoyt
Many people want to be on today's popular reality shows but don't necessarily know what being a contestant entails. Ready for sleepless nights and "creative" editing?
It seems like TV doctors never discover a case of the mumps. Rare and bizarre medical conditions make for good television, but we picked 10 medical conditions that real doctors almost never see.
Screenwriters make their money selling scripts rife with action, danger and intrigue. However, there's plenty of drama to be found in everyday life, and we have 10 examples from reality TV to prove it.
Can you name the longest-running TV show, the longest-running animation, the most-watched show finale? Peek at these TV show pictures and learn some fun facts and trivia about the most popular shows in television history.
The characters in "Star Trek" get to wield all kinds of high-tech gadgetry. Some of these gizmos are purely science fiction. What technologies have actually come to pass?
By Josh Briggs
One new baby at a time is a handful for most parents, so the thought of bringing home six infants -- when you already have twin toddlers -- is downright terrifying. But for Jon and Kate Gosselin, it was a reality.
By Gerri Miller
The sci-fi phenomenon that began more than 30 years ago with a movie about a galaxy long ago and far, far away has expanded once again with "Star Wars: The Clone Wars," the story of the galactic civil war that takes place between Episodes II and III.
By Gerri Miller
When "Knight Rider" premiered 26 years ago, the idea of a talking car was preposterous, outrageous and completely cool. Now "Knight Rider" is back with a new star, a new car and a new set of stunts to blow you away.
By Gerri Miller
Don't think the cameramen who film "Deadliest Catch" aren't as gritty and daring as the show's subjects. When 800-pound crab pots are swinging onto a tilting and slippery deck, there's no time to baby-sit the Hollywood rookie.
Many people enjoy watching "MythBusters" find out whether cockroaches can survive a nuclear holocaust and other urban myths. But who are these cast members and have they ever been wrong?
The first rule of Fight Quest is -- well there are no rules. Discovery puts two fighters to the test as they travel the world and learn some pretty brutal fighting techniques -- and try them out on each other.