TV Shows
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The world of anime has a lot of variety, and when it comes to romance, it's further complicated by the intended audience: Some is made for young men, some for young women, some for slightly older members of each gender, and so forth.
By Zach Taras
Anime fans know it, but casual viewers might not: For pretty much any genre of movie or book, there's a corresponding genre in anime. Some are obvious, such as sci-fi, fantasy or sports anime, but others, like gambling anime, are easy to overlook if you aren't seeking them out.
By Zach Taras
Those who are unfamiliar with anime might not realize the scope of its various subgenres, which include fantasy, sci-fi, horror, sports and others. In fact, even the subgenres have sub-subgenres: Boxing anime, for example, is a vital and beloved variety of sports anime.
By Zach Taras
Anime is a world unto itself: Fans can find an anime version of almost any of their preferred genres and sub-genres, whether it is fantasy, horror, action, sci fi or romance. Here, we'll take a look at romance anime, which is just as rich as any other genre in the anime universe.
By Zach Taras
Vampires have proven themselves to be one of the most versatile and durable creatures of horror fiction, having found their way into countless genres of storytelling. Anime is a good example: Some of the spookiest and most visually arresting examples in the form include these undead bloodsuckers.
By Zach Taras
Anime, originating in Japan, has long had a complicated relationship to race. In many early anime series, Black characters were almost entirely absent, and when they did appear — even later on in anime's development — they were often cringe-worthy stereotypes.
By Zach Taras
"Old" is a relative term; not everything millennials and previous generations hold sacred should be considered ancient just yet.
By Mitch Ryan
Japanese anime fans have never had so many options to enjoy streaming their favorite animated series and films. They can choose an established platform like Hulu, Netflix or Crunchyroll, or watch anime online using one of several alternative websites with their own unique offerings.
By Mitch Ryan
Even if you aren't an anime fan, you're likely aware of the genre; it's hugely popular worldwide. A quick glance at the roster of shows and movies can be overwhelming in its sheer variety of characters, but certain trends will quickly appear.
By Zach Taras
Anime is well known for its colorful characters, and some of the most vivid and unforgettable are demons. While no two anime demons are exactly like, many share enough characteristics to be considered part of the category.
By Zach Taras
Every generation produces hard-hitting animated movies and series with stories that stay with you long after the credits roll. However, most fans of the genre would likely agree that their favorite anime was born from the golden age of manga between the late 80s and early 2000s.
By Mitch Ryan
Horror movies can reach down into the darkest depths of human consciousness and bring nightmares to life on screen.
By Mitch Ryan
Worldwide Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) History has a rich lineage of big personalities like Steve Austin, Triple H and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, who've stood like titans in the ring. In contrast, lesser-known stars like Seth Rollins stole the show by cashing in the bank briefcase at the "Money in the Bank" event.
By Mitch Ryan
Remember when seven strangers were picked to live in a house to work together and have their lives taped? We did find out people stop being polite and these 11 reality TV shows helped prove it.
The storyline of HBO's "House of the Dragon" reflects the real obstacles facing women who aspired to exercise royal authority in medieval society.
By David Routt
Although it's debatable how "real" these shows actually are, they still fascinate the masses. How much do you know about the behind-the-scenes filming of reality TV programming?
By Alia Hoyt
Foreign and foreign-language TV shows are making the crossover to American audiences in a huge way. Here are some must-sees.
By Mark Mancini
The "Squid Game" series is Netflix's most popular ever. But content from the super-violent show, which is rated TV-MA, is popping up on platforms targeting kids.
What do you get when you make an astronaut and his robot pals watch some of the worst movies ever made? Comedy gold, that's what. Find out how much of a diehard you are with our "Mystery Science Theater 3000" quiz!
By Mark Mancini
Generations have grown up watching "A Charlie Brown Christmas." But what does baseball legend Willie Mays have to do with this beloved animated special?
By Mark Mancini
How I Met Your Mother, which ran on CBS for eight seasons from 2005 to 2014, is really the tale of two sitcoms; there's the good How I Met Your Mother, which invests in the misadventures of a lovable group of friends living in New York City (that should sound familiar), and there's the bad [...] The post Goliath's Favorite Episodes Of 'How I Met Your Mother' appeared first on Goliath.
By Jim Halden
Netflix and Disney+ aren't the only game in town when it comes to streaming services in Canada. There is also CraveTV, which has many great shows that are well worth your time. While it may be nowhere near the top of the mountain when it comes to streaming services in the Great White North, CraveTV [...] The post The Shows That Make CraveTV Worth Having appeared first on Goliath.
By Jack Sackman
We'd like to think that when Obi-Wan Kenobi tells Luke Skywalker that he'd never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than Mos Eisley Spaceport, he was really talking about the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. Of course, as any Game of Thrones fan will tell you, some of the show's best characters are [...] The post Game of Thrones: The Most Poorly-Developed Characters Of Westeros appeared first on Goliath.
When Andy Samberg left Saturday Night Live in 2013 to star in a new police procedural comedy from Dan Goor and Michael Schur, few could have predicted it would turn into one of the best sitcoms of the decade. Over the course of six-and-counting seasons, Samberg and an incredible ensemble cast comprised of Andre Braugher, Stephanie [...] The post The Funniest Episodes Of 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' So Far appeared first on Goliath.
Can you say, "amazing"? Here are five facts about the real Mister Rogers that may surprise you.