Typically, when Black characters appear in anime, they tend to be supporting characters at best. Japan is a fairly racially homogeneous culture, and it's taken time for artists (including those who make anime) to incorporate characters that don't rely upon lazy — and often offensive — stereotypes.
Lately this has been changing, with creators showing more cross-cultural sensitivity and curiosity. In part, this is driven by the natural, steady proliferation of the anime genre around the world.
But it's also a testament to the diversity of the fanbase that some of the genre's most ardent fans are themselves Black. In fact, the hit show "The Boondocks," which is drawn in a style reminiscent of anime, is sometimes considered to be a kind of honorary anime show.
Here we looked at characters that are specifically depicted as Black. There have been some characters in anime that have dark skin, but their racial identity remains ambiguous. For that reason, we've left them off this list.