March 26 Birthday Astrology

The astrological symbol for Aries, the first sign of the year, is the Ram. Numerology Sign/Flickr (CC By 2.0)

An Aries born on March 26 will be a bright individual. Although they appear capable, they possess a deep insecurity that can create emotional distress. They are unlikely to reveal these vulnerabilities, preferring to solve their own problems.


Friends and Lovers

Despite a well-earned reputation as leaders, March 26 individuals have a strong dependence upon the people they love and care about. The love life of March 26 natives has an enduring quality. Their marriage relationships are typically warm, long-lived, and fulfilling, both physically and spiritually.


Children and Family

No matter how often March 26 natives are separated from their family, they will always experience a tug that brings them all together again. They may not feel a strong motivation to become parents, but if they do they will give the job their full attention.



March 26 individuals have a stern regard for matters of health and fitness. Although they may be blessed with only average good health, they are capable of developing a great deal of life-enhancing energy.


Career and Finances

Careers in productive, useful fields work best for March 26 natives. They take great pride in managing the details of their profession and can always be counted on to fulfill their obligations. They have a strictly no-nonsense approach to managing their finances.


Dreams and Goals

March 26 individuals believe in their own ability to make things happen, yet they have a strict set of standards and never deviate in order to make their dreams come true. If something cannot be accomplished according to their own concepts of honesty and integrity, they would just as soon not see their goals reach fruition.

For more information about astrology, see:



Jill M. Phillips is the author of hundreds of articles on astrology as well as dozens of books. She has regularly written forecast columns for Astrology: Your Daily Horoscope.


