February 16 Birthday Astrology

The astrological symbol for Aquarius, the eleventh sign of the year, is the Waterbearer. Numerology Sign/Flickr (CC By 2.0)

Easygoing and generous, Aquarians born on February 16 give freely of their time and talents. They have a laid-back attitude that endears them to everyone. Despite a pleasant facade, they are perfectionists. When they involve themselves in a project, they give it everything. Known for their ability to see the big picture, they are equally at home with details.


Friends and Lovers

People born on February 16 have a temperament that wins peoples' affection and respect. They're secure enough to let friendship take its course so they don't make emotional demands on friends. They are equally fair-minded toward romantic partners. They never encumber relationships with petty jealousy or temperament.


Children and Family

February 16 people are wise enough to understand their ties to the past. There are few people who make better parents. Not only are they affectionate and caring, but they possess an uncanny ability to know what each child needs, emotionally and spiritually.



People born on February 16 are constantly in search of the newest information regarding health and fitness, and they take an active role in nutrition. They have a fondness for sports, which fuels their competitive nature.


Career and Finances

February 16 folks seek variety in their work. They lose interest in a job that doesn't challenge them. They strive toward new horizons, putting past accomplishments and mistakes behind them. They look for clever ways to stretch the budget. They have a good head for business -- and the makings of an entrepreneur.


Dreams and Goals

The goal of February 16 people is to never get so caught up in work or other matters that they forget to stop and smell the roses. They are dedicated to getting the maximum excitement out of life. They are concerned with making their relationships work. Success in this area of their life rivals all other accomplishments.



Jill M. Phillips is the author of hundreds of articles on astrology as well as dozens of books. She has regularly written forecast columns for Astrology: Your Daily Horoscope.


