December 30 Birthday Astrology

The astrological symbol for Capricorn, the tenth sign of the year, is the Sea-goat. Numerology Sign/Flickr (CC By 2.0)

A Capricorn born on December 30 is a jovial individual who promotes the status quo. They like the good life and are willing to work long and hard to achieve it. They are focused and understand the need to make sensible sacrifices. These individuals are happiest when they have a stable family and happy home life.


Friends and Lovers

The men and women born on this date make wonderful companions. They believe no one can have too many friends. They tend to have conventional attitudes about romance. They want a partner who shares their enthusiasm as well as their philosophical and religious beliefs.


Children and Family

People born on this date are devoted to the ideals of family life. They are often part of a large or extended family group, and they draw their ideas about family values and what a family should be from this experience. People born on this date make wonderful parents. They don't see themselves simply as authority figures but as guides and friends.



December 30 people are generally vibrant and stay healthy because they are happy. They know the value of a good attitude. They don't take successes any more seriously than failures. Because they have a healthy appetite for good things, they need to be involved in an exercise regimen and cut back on sweets and fatty foods.


Career and Finances

People born on this date have great leadership ability. They have entrepreneurial talents and may do well for themselves in their own business. Making money is high on their priority list, yet they aren't especially materialistic. They want to reap the rewards due them.


Dreams and Goals

December 30 individuals aren't known for taking risks, but they will walk on the wild side to experience something marvelous. They have a genius for balancing their personal and professional lives. This is important, because they aren't content to be unfulfilled in either.



Jill M. Phillips is the author of hundreds of articles on astrology as well as dozens of books. She has regularly written forecast columns for Astrology: Your Daily Horoscope.


