November 4 Birthday Astrology

The astrological symbol for Scorpio, the eighth sign of the year, is the Scorpion. Numerology Sign/Flickr (CC By 2.0)

The need of November 4 Scorpios to create controversy exerts its will in every aspect of their lives. Quick-witted and talkative, they tell the truth without fearing its consequences. Eccentric behavior is the norm with them. They have the integrity to be themselves. They will not deviate from their standards for any reason.


Friends and Lovers

November 4 people are very specific about their friends. Meaningful and honest friendships are what they strive for. Their requirements in love and romance are similarly honest. They aren't looking for a social companion or someone to keep them company in bed once the lights go out. They want a passionate, committed life partner.


Children and Family

November 4 people usually owe their special gifts to the way they were brought up. They are adamant about giving their children the same freedom. While they understand the need to establish guidelines, they don't want their children to feel as if they must conform to be loved.



November 4 people know that feeling good about themselves and being in touch with their emotions is the best health habit they can endorse. They don't neglect exercise or a good diet, but they don't obsess either. This casual attitude helps them relax -- another good health tip.


Career and Finances

November 4 people are intelligent and perceptive. They look for career choices that showcase their ability with words and outgoing personality. They make excellent teachers, computer programmers, writers, and media personnel. November 4 individuals seem to have a sixth sense about money. They are capable of turning a moderate income into a considerable fortune.


Dreams and Goals

November 4 men and women do believe that whatever is ahead is better than what came before. So they are enthusiastic about setting goals and are energetic about achieving them. They have realistic ideas about what they can do, but that doesn't keep them from dreaming the "impossible dream."



Jill M. Phillips is the author of hundreds of articles on astrology as well as dozens of books. She has regularly written forecast columns for Astrology: Your Daily Horoscope.


