December 19 Birthday Astrology

The astrological symbol for Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the year, is the Archer. Numerology Sign/Flickr (CC By 2.0)

A Sagittarius born on December 19 walks an emotional tightrope but is fearless. They often seem to be the strong, silent type. They need to make a contribution to society through their work or ideals. A commitment to personal goals marks them as success stories. Their talent may get them in the door, but it's their moxie that keeps them there.


Friends and Lovers

December 19 people make friends effortlessly. They can transform a frivolous relationship into a meaningful friendship. They have something of a reputation for being great lovers. They enjoy playing the field before settling down and usually gravitate toward glamorous types, though they may be somewhat plain.


Children and Family

People born on this date believe in maintaining strong family ties. They could hardly be more different in their role as parents than their parents were. They're inclined to give their children far greater freedom than they were allowed, though their academic expectations are likely to be higher.



People born on this date are in tune with the rhythms of their body, so they often subscribe to homeopathic or holistic treatments. They can benefit from deep massage, reiki, or rolfing techniques, which provide psychological and emotional benefits in addition to physical therapy.


Career and Finances

It's not uncommon for December 19 individuals to experience success early, but they do better when they have to struggle for success. If things come too easily, they're likely to lose interest. The same holds true for money. Those born to money or who make it early in their careers may lose their edge.


Dreams and Goals

People born on this date are not particularly goal-conscious but are happiest when they have opportunities to use their professional status to affect change. They like to be noticed for their singularity of purpose. The more difficult the odds against them, the more likely it is that they will succeed.



Jill M. Phillips is the author of hundreds of articles on astrology as well as dozens of books. She has regularly written forecast columns for Astrology: Your Daily Horoscope.


