December 1 Birthday Astrology

Sagittarius symbol and dates
The astrological symbol for Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the year, is the Archer. Numerology Sign/Flickr (CC By 2.0)

A Sagittarius born on December 1 is theatrical and flamboyant, with all-too-human flaws. They use their sense of humor to showcase their bubbly personality. They are impulsive, sometimes to their detriment. Despite warnings from loved ones, these feisty people are determined to live life on their terms. That generally means plenty of laughs and few rules.


Friends and Lovers

December 1 individuals have a wide variety

of friends, and they often collect friends from various walks of life. They have exciting love lives. They see themselves as glamorous


and may favor a somewhat superficial approach to love. It takes someone special to get these people to settle down permanently.

Children and Family

An unconventional note often characterizes the upbringing of December 1 natives. Either the family was constantly on the move or the parents separated when the children were very young. They probably learned self-sufficiency early. Although parenthood may not be something they aspire to, they have a talent for the job.



December 1 individuals are always conscious of making a good appearance. They work hard to look fabulous but eventually learn that good health is more important. Holistic and herbal medicine is the route they usually choose once they decide to get healthy.


Career and Finances

People born on this date are fun-lovers who enjoy being in the public eye. They enjoy professions that make use of their sparkling personality. All Sagittarians have an open-handed policy about money, and December 1 natives are no exception. Money comes and goes in their lives, but it has little bearing on their happiness.


Dreams and Goals

People born on this date want to shine. Many have theatrical aspirations, either professionally or as an enjoyable hobby. Although these folks prefer spontaneity to goal-making, they do have a strong will and can achieve amazing things when they put their mind to it.



Jill M. Phillips is the author of hundreds of articles on astrology as well as dozens of books. She has regularly written forecast columns for Astrology: Your Daily Horoscope.


