August 25 Birthday Astrology

virgo Numerology Sign/Flickr (CC By 2.0)

Virgos born on August 25 have a complicated nature. They seem to derive a great deal of emotional sustenance from the approval of those close to them. Yet, they are not afraid to accept challenges. When these folks find their niche in life, they can be depended upon to make bold strides.


Friends and Lovers

Friends are an important support system; August 25 natives are social creatures who prefer to conduct their friendships on intimate levels. Love is always a serious matter; they make concerned, sympathetic, and loyal life partners. When problems arise within the marriage, they deal with them maturely.


Children and Family

People born on August 25 feel connected to their childhood and base many of their adult values on what they learned. They become somewhat overly protective parents, eager to give their youngsters the material comforts they lacked. They believe that discipline, not punishment, is the key.



Individuals born on August 25 may find their health influenced by emotional and psychological factors. A highly strung disposition could exacerbate nervous conditions. They need to explore aerobic exercise and other stress-busting activities. They have a strong instinct to learn about their inner drives so they often benefit from therapy.


Career and Finances

People born on August 25 are intelligent and hard working and are likely to be successful. They have a good sense of their abilities and always strive for improvement. There is a tendency to be concerned about their financial security even if they are well-off.


Dreams and Goals

Although August 25 people may have worldly goals early in life, they will almost certainly turn their steps toward a spiritual path. They are intrigued by life's mysteries. Personal goals are usually met in a timely manner, based on stringent planning.



Jill M. Phillips is the author of hundreds of articles on astrology as well as dozens of books. She has regularly written forecast columns for Astrology: Your Daily Horoscope.


