Time to Get Gross: The Garbage Pail Kids Quiz

By: Alia Hoyt
Estimated Completion Time
1 min
Time to Get Gross: The Garbage Pail Kids Quiz
Image: Chris Hondros/Getty Images

About This Quiz

There was a lot of beautiful stuff going on in the '80s. Then, there were the Garbage Pail Kids. Take a walk down memory lane with this icky quiz.
The very first Garbage Pail Kids card released depicted "Nasty Nick." What is he dressed as?
a garbage collector
a cowboy
a vampire
The Garbage Pail Kids were launched as a parody of what popular 1980s brand?
Pound Puppies
Cabbage Patch Kids
Care Bears
Which U.S. president was depicted on Garbage Pail Kids card 46?
John F. Kennedy
Ronald Reagan
Bill Clinton


What did kids who lived in Italy call the Garbage Pail Kids?
The Snotlings
The Totally Broken Kids
The Trashies
Which Garbage Pail Kids is most commonly associated with the brand?
Nasty Nick
Adam Bomb
Junky Jeff
The Fran Fran card originally had a different name. What was it?
Fanny Franny
Schizo Fran
Fran the Man


The card for Nerdy Norm shows the character with what two items?
caffeinated drinks and cigarettes
glasses and broken underwear (from all the wedgies)
protractors and Star Wars toys
What's significant about the 1987 "Garbage Pail Kids Movie"?
The film was never released officially.
It has no plot. Only gross-out comedy.
It's considered one of the worst films ever made.
A Saturday morning Garbage Pail Kids cartoon was canceled (before airing) at the last minute. Which show replaced it?
"Muppet Babies"
"Inspector Gadget"
"Cabbage Patch Kids Take Over"


Fryin' Brian and Electric Bill showed a boy doing what?
sticking his finger in an electric socket
getting electrocuted by a power line
being fried in an electric chair