October 29 Birthday Astrology

The astrological symbol for Scorpio, the eighth sign of the year, is the Scorpion. Numerology Sign/Flickr (CC By 2.0)

October 29 Scorpios are quixotic, sprite-like individuals who possess a changeable nature and exciting personality. They always seem to be observing and dislike being the center of attention, though they have the ability to draw the spotlight. Though they're careful to safeguard their secrets, they love to uncover the secrets of others.


Friends and Lovers

People born on this day have a small group of friends. They can be extraordinarily jealous and will react strongly to any questionable behavior -- real or imagined -- from their mate. They will interpret anything less than being cherished and adored as a lack of sincerity.


Children and Family

October 29 men and women may have many past regrets, especially from adolescence. They're likely to have spent some difficult times during this period, striving to be something they weren't. As parents, they stress the importance of autonomy to their youngsters.



October 29 men and women enjoy the challenge of testing themselves. They may push themselves in difficult physical activities, such as mountain climbing or long-distance running. They like to prove that they can get along on a limited diet.


Career and Finances

Whether or not they wish to be noticed, October 29 people don't remain hidden easily. Their personality is slightly off-center but enchanting. They favor unusual careers and often end up working for themselves. They aren't interested in money, though they have potential to become rich through their talents. They have a reputation for spending money casually.


Dreams and Goals

People born on this date are secretive about goals because they have a problem with intimacy and don't like to answer to others, especially to explain failure. If they change their minds, they don't want to explain. They sometimes give too much attention to their professional goals while ignoring personal ones.



Jill M. Phillips is the author of hundreds of articles on astrology as well as dozens of books. She has regularly written forecast columns for Astrology: Your Daily Horoscope.


