April 28 Birthday Astrology

The astrological symbol for Taurus, the second sign of the year, is the Bull. Numerology Sign/Flickr (CC By 2.0)

A Taurus born on April 28 brings joy to their world. They have an amazing capacity for living life to the fullest and never failing to recognize an opportunity that comes their way. They have absolutely no cynicism and can find logic and reason in even the most difficult and trying circumstances.


Friends and Lovers

People born on this date have no problem making friends. They love people and derive a great deal of happiness from their friends' joys and successes. In love, they view marriage as a true partnership.


Children and Family

April 28 people have something of a Norman Rockwell view of family life. If they experience a difficult upbringing, they may "rewrite" the scenario to provide them with a more pleasant view of the past. With their own children, they are exceptionally understanding, indulgent, and sometimes overly involved.



A good mental attitude has a lot to do with the vitality of April 28 individuals. These people are models of positive thinking and good health habits. They understand the importance of keeping active, involved, and motivated.


Career and Finances

Because they enjoy sharing their philosophical views with others, April 28 natives excel in teaching, counseling, and the ministry. Although they may get off to a rocky start, they eventually become capable of parlaying a small amount of money into a healthy nest egg.


Dreams and Goals

April 28 people can be reticent about believing in their dreams. The major goals of April 28 men and women are likely to be career-oriented, although they may harbor a secret ambition.

For more information about astrology, see:



Jill M. Phillips is the author of hundreds of articles on astrology as well as dozens of books. She has regularly written forecast columns for Astrology: Your Daily Horoscope.


