February Birthdays

February birthdays share the month with famous presidents and Valentine's Day. Look up your birth date to read about your astrological personality.

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An Aquarius born February 6 is symbolized by the Water Bearer and has a strong sense of personal integrity. Learn about February 6 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

An Aquarius born February 7 is symbolized by the Water Bearer and has a private, secretive nature. Learn about February 7 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

An Aquarius born on February 3 is symbolized by the Water Bearer and is talented, modest and charming. Learn about February 3 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips


An Aquarius born on February 1 is symbolized by the Water Bearer and has an impulsive nature. Learn about February 1 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips

An Aquarius born on February 2 is symbolized by the Water Bearer and has a modern outlook on life. Learn about February 2 birthday astrology.

By Jill M. Phillips